LADY DI, beyond - Today I work in the Higher Astral Pleiad

Lady Di, Today as free of matter spirit, working in Pleiades of the Superior Astral, collaborates with its help in rescue missions obsessive spirits helps with insights to achieve peace treaties between warring peoples historically and at the request by irradiation strengthens the thoughts of benefactor’s beings attraction poles in fluidic chains, facilitating the attraction of more superior spirits.
This is a message from who knows where is the path of spiritual strengthening, said in our Seixal Branch Christian Rationalism, during the great tsunami that struck the South Pacific on December 26, 2004.

“In the tragic moment of pain, desolation, devastation, where most of the world is shaking with grief, radiate for those who lost their incarnations, for those hoping to heal and some that have not even been found. Radiate with respect and with love for all those who need you.” Diana Spencer


Psychic cleansing is a mental hygiene practice.

It consists of irradiations, i.e., spiritual vibrations, which drive the Inferior Astral out of Earth’s atmosphere. This removal is carried out by the spirits of the Superior Astral that perform psychic cleansing by working in tune with the disciplined thoughts of persons of good will, either during mental exercises in Christian Rationalist centers or in cooperation with such persons.

There is no doubt that this mental preparation, or psychic cleansing, is just as important to the spirit as physical hygiene is to the physical body. Therefore, Christian Rationalism recommends It to everyone so that, by following a disciplined, methodical and conscious life pattern, they will enjoy both physical and spiritual balance.
Everyone who wishes to undergo psychic cleansing should follow the procedures described below, daily, in their homes, during five minutes, preferably at 7 AM and 8 PM.

1.      The head of household, who will serve as president, will take his place at the head of the table and will not leave, nor let anyone else leave, until the psychic cleansing is over.

2.      The others will take their places around the table, either sitting or standing.

3.      In case of any psychically disturbed person in the home, he or she should be seated at the extreme end of the table, with a healthy, strong willed person behind to shake him or her. This should be done by holding the disturbed person’s shoulders with both hands and giving him or her a strong shake every time the president says the GREAT FOCUS irradiation. 

There should be no gap between the persons around the table. Shaking is a useful practice, even when applied to normal people but the one assigned to shake a disturbed person should not leave his or her position until the psychic cleansing is over. In instances where the disturbance ranges on obsession or insanity, there is a special discipline prescribed in Chapters I and II of the book “The practice of Christian Rationalism.”

4.      In the case of bedridden patients, the irradiations should be made around the bed with the presence of healthy and strong minded persons only, who are capable of emitting powerful thoughts.

Thus, gathered as close as possible to one another, in complete silence, the president will say the following irradiations aloud:


Great Focus! Creative Power!

We realize that the Universe is ruled by natural, unchangeable laws that everything is subject to!

We also realize that it is through study, reasoning and growth derived from the struggle against our bad habits and imperfections that the spirit reaches enlightenment and greater evolution.

Being aware of our duty to do good and using our free will for that purpose, we here irradiate to the Superior Spirits so that they will envelop us in their light and fluids, strengthening us to accomplish our duty.


Great Focus! Life of Universe!

We here irradiate to the Superior Forces so that our spirit becomes enlightened and we begin to be aware of about errors, in order to avoid them and to strengthen ourselves to practice the good.